Sunday, August 9, 2009


The second one came thru a little bit ago and it's sooo cute. the crying has increased a little. but the new problem is trying to get her to sleep in her crib instead of with us in bed? New suggestions are welcome

Saturday, July 11, 2009

first tooth finally popped out

so hayli's first tooth came in and it is sharp. one down a bunch more to go.... thank God for baby Motrin,

Friday, June 19, 2009

baby oraljel

I had tried this stuff and it did not do anything for me, my daughter just screamed for almost 10 min. I then tried baby teething tablets and they worked wonders, I would recommend them to any new moms.(they even help them go to sleep yay!)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Teething Infants

Lack of sleep nothing seems to work?...

For my daughter I had tried everything from:

Freezing Spoons
Frozen Teething Rings
A Cold Wash Cloth

What i had done that worked for me, was giving a little Motrin, and putting her binki in the freezer. I also put her bottles in the freezer for an hour before I give it to her, That helps the most! I hope this helps the new parents out there... I will give more Advice in another post.